Clark County Humane Society
Cat Toys: Good & Bad
Paper Bags
Plastic Milk Rings
Cardboard Boxes
Ping Pong Balls
Homemade and Sanded Scratching Posts
Old Chair to Claw on
Window to look out
Carpeted Climbing Cat Tree (Cats like to be high)
Soft Blanket to nap on
Feathers Bought from Pet Store
(others may have mites)
Laser Pointer (never point near the eyes!)
Grow a small pot of “cat grass”
(stay away from catnip!)
Small Basket for them to curl up in
Fish Tank to Watch
Cat Videos (featuring Rodents, Birds, and Fish)
Bird Feeder outside to watch birds
A comfy lap to sit on while being petted
Plastic Bags
Rubber Bands and Tooth Picks
Sharp Objects: Tacks, Paper clips, etc.
Yarn / String - Gets stuck on tongue barbs
Cat Doors going Outside
Styrofoam Packing Peanuts
Rat Poison and Mouse Bait or Traps
Aerosol Sprays and Almost All Cleaning Supplies
Warm Engines and Machinery
Toilets (Keep Lids Down)
Burning Candles (Whiskers, Face and Tail can get burned)
Stoves (they may walk across and burn paw pads)
Chocolate or Christmas Tinsel
Dryer and Washing Machine (Cats crawl in & have been killed)
Most Plants (Inside the home and outside)
Lawn Mowers (Hit by flying debris or Run Over)