Clark County Humane Society
Clark County Humane Society is very proud to sponsor the Central Wisconsin Feral Friends program! Feral cats are cats that are most likely never going to be house pets. They just don’t like to be handled or to hang out with people. However, they are still fantastic cats in their own right, and need a chance to live out their lives in an environment where they are comfortable and happy.
Central Wisconsin Feral Friends is a program to assist the feral cats that come to CCHS. For the cats that we are not able to adopt to new homes as family pets, we still want to find them a place to live their lives where they can be happy. Therefore CCHS is seeking locations (primarily rural property owners) that are willing to provide just three things for these feral cats: SHELTER, FOOD and WATER.
CCHS will ensure that these cats are spayed/neutered, blood-tested, vaccinated for Distemper, Rabies and Feline Leukemia, treated for fleas and dewormed.
There is no fee to adopt. It is that simple to have a (free!) healthy barn cat, and to save a life in the process.
** Please note that this is a not a program to provide free care for all feral cats in our communities. Our resources are limited, so at this time we are only able to help the feral cats that come to CCHS as strays. We will care for them and rehome them in new locations. Other feral cats may still be served through our FixaPet Program. **
All cats deserve to live their lives in the setting that they are most comfortable in. Feral cats have no desire to be petted or coddled, or even played with. They just want to live their lives in freedom, enjoying fresh air, a warm and safe place to stay with food, water and to be among their own kind.
Feral cats are free-roaming domestic cats who were never socialized by humans or have lived outdoors for so long that they have reverted to a wild state. Feral cats may look like the cats on your couch, but they have different needs than cuddly cats and kittens at a shelter hoping to find homes.
Feral cat basics: Adoption is not an option
Feral cats have lived outdoors alongside people for 10,000 years, in every landscape from urban cities to rural barnyards. They are not “homeless” — their home is outdoors!
Feral cats are the same felis catus species as pet cats.
Unlike pet cats or stray cats, feral cats are not socialized to people — so they can’t be adopted.
Many Feral cats live outdoors in social groups called colonies.
Scientific studies have confirmed that feral cats are just as healthy as outdoor pet cats. Since feral cats can’t be adopted into new homes, calling animal control may be the wrong move for them — since most feral cats will end up being euthanized. (Check with your local animal control to see what they do with feral cats.)
The benefits of helping feral cats!
CWFF cats are spayed/neutered, blood-tested, vaccinated and returned to their (or other suitable) outdoor homes. This improves their health and stabilizes the colony while allowing them to live out their lives in freedom, outdoors.
This program takes into account what is in the best interest of each cat, depending on his or her needs and level of socialization to people.
Socialized cats and kittens are neutered, vaccinated and adopted into homes, while healthy feral cats are released.
No new kittens are born and the cats no longer experience the stresses of mating and pregnancy.
Behaviors associated with mating, such as yowling or fighting stop, contributing to the cats’ overall improved health and making them better neighbors.
At Clark County Humane Society, all feral cats are:
Examined by a veterinarian
Given flea & tick treatment
FeLV/FIV tested
Vaccinated for Distemper/FeLV & Rabies
Treated for ear mites (if needed)
What these cats need from you (and there is NO ADOPTION FEE):
*Shelter *Food *Water
After these cats are cared for, they need someplace to live a long, happy life. Can you help?
Please visit http://cwferalfriends.wordpress.com/ to learn more about the program and its benefits to everyone! Spread the word! If you can help, sign up to shelter feral cats. If you'd like to participate by donating funds (not cats!), get in touch! Together, we can make our world a healthier and happier place!
Central Wisconsin Feral Friends
at Clark County Humane Society
W3926 State Hwy 73
Neillsville, WI 54456
(715) 743-4550