Clark County Humane Society
Frequently Asked Questions
We know that you may have many questions about our FixaPet Program. Below we've tried to provide as much information as we can. Of course you're always welcome to call us at 715-937-7770 or email us at cchs.fixapet@gmail.com if you should have other questions or need more information. Thank you for considering the FixaPet Program for your pet's needs.
Do I have to live in Clark County to take advantage of the FixaPet Program?
No! The FixaPet Program is open to anyone from anywhere! We've had clients from as far away as Minnesota bring their pets to be spayed or neutered.
Are there income limitations to qualify for the program?
No! There are no limitations on the program. Our goal is to help spay and neuter as many pets as possible. We have found that pets don't care how much money you have or don't have. They simply need to be spayed or neutered.
Is there a limit on how many pets I can have spayed or neutered?
No! We'll be happy to help you with as many pets as you need to have spayed or neutered. If you have several, we'll be happy to coordinate the appointments so that all can be done on the same day rather than several trips if you wish. Please note that we do have limitations on how many surgeries can be performed on one day.
How old do my pets have to be to have surgery?
Puppies and kittens need to be at least three months old to be spayed or neutered. In addition, kittens need to weigh at least three pounds.
My cat just had kittens (or my dog just had puppies). When can she be spayed?
It is recommended to wait 12 weeks after the kittens or puppies were born before spaying the mother. Otherwise it's simply too dangerous for her to have surgery.
When are appointments available?
Surgery appointments are available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Wellness and vaccination appointments are available on Mondays and Fridays. You can make an appointment online right here on our website or by calling the FixaPet staff at 715-937-7770 from 9:00 - 3:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday. You may also email us at cchs.fixapet@gmail.com.
What is the schedule for my pet's appointment?
Your pet must be at the Shelter between 8:00 and 8:30 a.m. on the day of the appointment to check-in. The surgery is then performed that day and your pet is ready to be picked up at 4:30 p.m. that same day. Please note that we do not release pets earlier than 4:30 p.m. Although we understand that you may be driving a distance, this policy is for their safety and to ensure that they have adequate recovery time.
Doesn't my pet need to stay overnight?
No! Your pet recovers very quickly and is able to go home the same day. We feel that being home as soon as possible minimizes any post-surgical stress for your pet and for you. Because you know your pet better than anyone, you are able to provide the very best care for your pet's comfort and recovery.
Will my pet be in a lot of pain?
Any surgical procedure can be painful. We do provide an injection of pain medication at the time of surgery. Because our procedures are performed very quickly and the incisions are very small, recovery is quite rapid. We will send additional pain medication home with your pet.
Will my pet have stitches?
This depends on your pet. Female cats will have internal and external sutures; male cats do not have sutures. Female and male dogs will both have internal and external sutures. All sutures used are dissolvable and will dissolve in about 3-6 weeks. You do not have to bring your pet back to have the stitches removed.
I've heard that you cut corners on surgery and use cheaper supplies to save money. Is that true?
We've heard those concerns too, and they simply aren't true. A local vet clinic attempted to imply through their client newsletter that we used inferior products and techniques and that your pets safety may be in question. The article was intended to damage our program and we can only say that it was motivated by greed and completely untrue. We do not cut any corners during surgery. Each spay is a complete ovariohysterectomy, which means that the uterus and both ovaries are removed during surgery. A neuter surgery will remove both testicles. These complete surgeries will help to lessen the possibility of cancer later in life for your pet.
We also use the highest quality products, such as suture, that are available. A pulse oximeter is available to monitor your pet's breathing and heart rate during surgery. Our lab and surgery areas are outfitted with the best surgery table, autoclaves, centrifuges, ultrasonic cleaners, microscopes and instruments. Everything is set-up with the safety of each pet in mind.
How are you able to offer this service at such a reasonable price?
We view the FixaPet Program as a service to our community. Our prices are established to cover the expenses of the program. Obviously we have to charge enough to keep the program afloat, but this is not a money-making endeavor for us. We rely on the donations of kind and caring people who want to help end the pet overpopulation problem to keep the program going. We simply want to help as many pets as we possibly can, and the best way to help with that is to keep the program affordable.
Is my pet required to be current on all vaccinations prior to the surgery?
No, we understand that it's not always possible to have all vaccinations current. That is why we offer vaccinations for your pet which can be given while your pet is with us for spaying or neutering.
Which vaccinations do you offer as part of the FixaPet program?
For dogs, we offer Rabies, Distemper, Lymes and Bordetella (kennel cough) vaccinations. We also offer deworming, flea and tick treatment, bloodtesting for Heartworm/Lymes/Anaplasmosis/Erlichiosis, and microchipping.
For cats, we offer Rabies, Distemper and Feline Leukemia vaccinations. We also offer deworming, flea and tick treatment, bloodtesting for Feline Leukemia/FIV, and microchipping.
I've heard that you're required to provide boosters on some vaccinations. Is that true?
Boosters are recommended for a number of vaccinations. The schedule will depend on the age of your pet as well as the previous vaccination history. If these are the first shots your pet has received, they will probably need to be boostered in 30 days. Different shots have different requirements. If you are concerned about a specific protocol, please contact the FixaPet staff directly.
Do you help with spaying/neutering feral cats?
Yes, we do work with spaying or neutering feral cats. Because feral cats can be a bit challenging to deal with, we do require that each comes to the Shelter in it's own carrier or live trap. Following surgery, a feral cat will be placed back into that carrier or live trap for recovery, so it must have it's own space.
Do you offer declawing of cats or any other surgical services?
No, the focus of the FixaPet Program is spaying and neutering of cats and dogs. We do not offer any other surgical services at this time.
Do you accept vouchers or coupons from other programs? The Humane Society in my town offers coupons towards the cost of spaying or neutering cats. Can I use that for the FixaPet Program?
We may accept these vouchers or coupons. We do accept vouchers and Spay Day coupons from the Jackson County Humane Society. However we may not accept coupons from other organizations. It just depends on each program and if we are a participating provider. We would advise you to call ahead to check. You may also bring along the voucher or coupon and it can be reviewed at check-in time.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We request payment by cash or credit/debit cards. We do not accept checks.
I'm traveling quite a distance on the day of my appointment. Can I volunteer and help out with the animals at the Shelter while I wait to pick up my pets?
All of our staff is very busy and focused on the days when surgery is performed at the Shelter. As our staff is limited, we don't have anyone available to spend time with visitors. Unfortunately, our insurance doesn't allow visitors to be at the Shelter unsupervised. While we certainly appreciate offers to help, it's just not possible on surgery days.
What if I have concerns about my pet's recovery or condition after I get home that night? Do I have to contact my local veterinarian for an emergency?
We want to be sure that your pet has the best recovery possible, and we also want you to be comfortable about any concerns you may have. To assist you, we have a FixaPet emergency phone number available for your use. That number is 715-937-5499. When you call you will be asked to leave a message. We will then return your call. Of course, you are always welcome to contact your local veterinarian if you feel you have an emergency situation. We do encourage all of our clients to maintain a relationship with their local veterinarian to help maintain the health of their pet on a regular basis.