Clark County Humane Society
Forward Bank offers an opportunity to give back to your community through a Charitable Money Market Account (CMMA).
For CCHS to benefit from the CMMA program, a customer must simply open an account, designate CCHS as your chosen charity, and keep a balance in the account throughout the year. The average balance in the account is calculated at the end of the calendar year, and the bank donates one-tenth percent of the customer’s average balance to CCHS. This donation comes from Forward Bank, so it doesn't come out of your pocket at all. This money will go directly to helping animals in need right here at CCHS. In 2018, CCHS received over $10,000 from this program. That is an amazing donation and will help to make a difference for so many!
We thank those Forward Bank customers who have already selected CCHS as their preferred charity of their CMMA. And we certainly thank Forward Bank for offering this wonderful program. We hope others will consider using this program to support CCHS.
For more information about the Forward Bank CMMA, please click on their logo to the right!