Clark County Humane Society

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at CCHS! We are delighted that you want to be part of our CCHS family!
Our volunteer program has many opportunities to help directly with the animals or to become involved in other facets of CCHS.
Regardless of how you wish to help, we are asking for a commitment of your time and talents. Please know that we appreciate every volunteer very much!
To get started, just complete and submit the form below. You will then be contacted by April, our Volunteer Coordinator. She will schedule a time for you to come in to the Shelter to meet and discuss volunteering. You'll also get a tour of the Shelter and we'll get you signed up to get started!
One of the most interesting parts of our volunteer program is that we really encourage teamwork. It's always more fun volunteering with your family and friends, so we encourage you to have them sign up too! We even have a new Facebook Group that all volunteers are encouraged to join. There you will be able to read about what's going on with other volunteers. Plus, you can post pictures, videos and stories of your experiences as part of the CCHS volunteer family. It's at www.facebook.com/groups/PetLovinPeople. Just click here to go to our group page for Pet Lovin' People!
Thank you so much for signing up to volunteer at CCHS!